For the last week I have been looking for a photograph I took at a white power parade when I worked for CBS. It was a photograph of an old woman carrying a picket sign that had "WHAT HAPPENED TO OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS?" written on it.

Forty years later I feel I know the answer to that question.. Two things happened to our rights.
The first and probly the main thing is we sold them.. They were bought by the Oil Companys, the Banks, insurance companies and of course the military industrial complex. They were bought from the politicians and were payed by the Whores (maybe the wrong word, a whore gives you somthing for your money) so change the word Whore to Scum which go by the name of Lobbyists. And it is not a difficult job for bribing politicians is the same as feeding elephants, all it takes is penuts and the average return on the bribes is 2000%, not a bad investment.
And the banks are doing better, you can't imagine how good it makes me feel, The only thing that makes me think I made a mistake is I thought the way I could make a difference in how the country was and is, was to protest. I should have known better if I wanted to make a differenc I should have become a banker or an insurance executive or maybe even an Oil Man, for then I could be running the country.
If you want to understand this compare the way OUR government treats it's Veterans and the way it treats the Bankers.

The picture above is from a George Wallace Rally in Chicago. I smell the same rabble rousing Bullshit put out by the right wing from the KKK to the Republican Rednecks

The 2nd reason we have so few rights as American Citizens is that they have been "nickled and dimed away from you by the politicians, who say privacy is no longer guaranteed, your home is not your castle, the pursuit of freedom is a joke unless you are a banker,or a stock broker, see how much freedom you have if you are poor. You can not even go to a doctor.

Now you can be tortured by your government, arrested and held for years without a trial, and the government says it is for your protection there are terrorists out there so we can tap your phones, read your E-Mail take away your constitutional rights and generally do whatever they want to you in the name of protecting your freedom.

As to President Obama so far he seemes to me to be like a coconut, Brown on the outside but white on the inside. Long on diction but short on dick!


Ted Seymour said...

true true true

Laurie said...

well said Mr. Seymour!

Janet said...

The globlist are running this world from behind a veil of secretacy. Those who knew no better voted for the man who is instrumental in bringing our beloved country to its knees. He sold a bill of lies wrapped with hope and change. Why can't everyone take the time to look past the surface before its too late. Beware fellow U.S. Citizens--beware.