The first price you pay is giving up the illusion of safety that society promises you, for, in truth, there is no safety it is merely a hook baited with the illusion of safety.

When I speak of freedom I speak of a freedom

to make life choices without the restrictions imposed by society, for there are many different societies all with different restrictions.

You lose the illusion of protection offered by society in general, governmental religious, and family.

In effect one becomes an outcast, and with rare exception seeks out a place where he or she is able to function in a normal state of being.

“God bless the friendly islands where warrants never come, God bless the friendly islands which give a man a home.”


“I am too highborn to be propertied. To be a secondary in control, or useful serving man to any sovereign state in the world’ It cost me less in every sense to incur the penalty of disobedience to the state than it would to obey.. I would feel I was worthless in that case..”

Serge's Thoughts for the Day

"Obama shoud be given a DNA test, I don't believe he is the man I voted for."

In The Old days People robbed Banks, now banks rob people.



“Boston Tea Party”

Founded December 16th in the Year 1773

The Principal that triggered the American Revolution was a very simple one and can be clearly stated in a short sentence.

“No taxation without representation.”

And that is what the Boston Tea Party’s entire platform is.

The Rich have representation, (which is why they get their taxes lowered}

The oil companies have lots of representation that’s why they are drilling for oil where you used to be able to swim, and the American oil companies are part of opek, they charge Americans the same price as OPEK does. And our government is sending our sons and daughters to die for them

In America you buy representation, you don't vote for it.


The Lumber Industry has representation, which is why as you read this they are cutting down YOUR national forests

The insurance companies have representation, that’s why we are the only industrial nation in the world without Universal Health Care.

Our Doctors (The most expensive in the world) have representation.

The “Industrial Military Brotherhood” Have representation hundreds and hundreds of Billions. To the Merchants of Death, but nothing for the starving and sick. And if not enough young men want to fight for the Merchants. Your Country drafts them and forces them to fight for whoever needs or wants them.

Congressmen and Senators have plenty representation, they represent themselves, and the fact that they are all millionaires really allows them to understand the problems of other rich folk.

It can be a long list of those who have representation, but as to the percent of the total population of Americans it is well under 10%.

So the other unrepresented 90% pay 92% of the Income tax.

And if that is not “TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION” I don’t know what is.


For the last week I have been looking for a photograph I took at a white power parade when I worked for CBS. It was a photograph of an old woman carrying a picket sign that had "WHAT HAPPENED TO OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS?" written on it.

Forty years later I feel I know the answer to that question.. Two things happened to our rights.
The first and probly the main thing is we sold them.. They were bought by the Oil Companys, the Banks, insurance companies and of course the military industrial complex. They were bought from the politicians and were payed by the Whores (maybe the wrong word, a whore gives you somthing for your money) so change the word Whore to Scum which go by the name of Lobbyists. And it is not a difficult job for bribing politicians is the same as feeding elephants, all it takes is penuts and the average return on the bribes is 2000%, not a bad investment.
And the banks are doing better, you can't imagine how good it makes me feel, The only thing that makes me think I made a mistake is I thought the way I could make a difference in how the country was and is, was to protest. I should have known better if I wanted to make a differenc I should have become a banker or an insurance executive or maybe even an Oil Man, for then I could be running the country.
If you want to understand this compare the way OUR government treats it's Veterans and the way it treats the Bankers.

The picture above is from a George Wallace Rally in Chicago. I smell the same rabble rousing Bullshit put out by the right wing from the KKK to the Republican Rednecks

The 2nd reason we have so few rights as American Citizens is that they have been "nickled and dimed away from you by the politicians, who say privacy is no longer guaranteed, your home is not your castle, the pursuit of freedom is a joke unless you are a banker,or a stock broker, see how much freedom you have if you are poor. You can not even go to a doctor.

Now you can be tortured by your government, arrested and held for years without a trial, and the government says it is for your protection there are terrorists out there so we can tap your phones, read your E-Mail take away your constitutional rights and generally do whatever they want to you in the name of protecting your freedom.

As to President Obama so far he seemes to me to be like a coconut, Brown on the outside but white on the inside. Long on diction but short on dick!


From personal experience and observation I had at a very early age an unassailable conviction that mankind in general is insane and stupid. And nothing in my long and varied life has ever caused me to waver in that option.

At a rather early age I became aware that I belonged to a critical minority not the unquestioning majority


My name is Serge Seymour. For those of you who have never heard of me here's a brief outline of my background....

I am a 75 year old artist living in Thailand. For most of these 75 years I have been working as a Photographic Artist selling my pictures. I come from a long line of artists and I am married to one, Sandra Childs Seymour. My father Maurice Seymour was famous for his portraits of Show Business and Ballet Performers, my uncle was a photographer as well, another uncle, Raymond Breinen was an oil painter and sculpter in the WPA era, my mother was a sculptrist and my brother Ron is a photographer and I have a cousin Danny, who was famous for at least twenty minutes of his short life for a film that involves 20 minutes of a fly walking through a woman's pubic hair and for knowing and being friends with John and Yoko.

When I moved to Thailand eight years ago it became impossible for me to work in a wet darkroom as there were no materials or chemicals available here for the type of images I create. Reluctantly, I turned my computer into a darkroom with many imaging programs and I began again. I LOVE MY DIGITAL DARKROOM! This is by far the best darkroom I have ever had. Besides that, I had been experimenting with Black and White Photography and felt I had pushed it to it's limit and now the digital programs are allowing me to go even further.

I will post pictures as soon as things are up and running correctly. Some problems right now with the blogspot. More later.......SERGE SEYMOUR